Patient Information

Parkinson’s Disease

Watch a Video on DBS for Parkinson’s disease (Global NEWS, April 2, 2018) (adjust the volume with your mouse at bottom of the video and sorry about the advertisement that precedes the news story) . Read an article about one of our patients with DBS for Parkinson’s (Vancouver Sun, Feb...


As reviewed on our Parkinson’s Disease page, tremor is rhythmic shaking. It can be caused by Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, stroke, trauma, or a genetic condition called Essential Tremor. Patients who have a poor response to their medications or who can not tolerate them have...


Watch a Video on DBS for Parkinson’s and Dystonia (Global NEWS, April 2, 2018) (adjust the volume with your mouse at bottom of the video and sorry about the advertisement that precedes the news story)     This information is designed to help patients talk to their physicians about...

Trigeminal Neuralgia

This information is designed only to help patients talk with their physicians about Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) and is not intended to provide treatment guidelines. There are some excellent patient support group web sites that you might wish to review. Trigeminal Neuralgia Association of...

Hemifacial Spasm

This information is designed only to help patients talk with their physicians about Hemifacial Spasm (HFS) and is not intended to provide treatment guidelines. Introduction HFS is a neurologic condition with uncontrolled, repeated contractions of the muscles on one side of the face. It usually...

Multiple Sclerosis

This information is designed only to help patients talk with their physicians about Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and is not intended to provide treatment guidelines. Most of the symptoms caused by MS are well treated with appropriate medications under the guidance of Neurologists. The MS Clinic at the...

DBS Clinic

After implantation of the deep brain stimulator (DBS), the stimulation can be adjusted to maximize the benefits and minimize any side effects. This adjustment of the stimulator is done in the DBS clinic using a very small hand-held computer which rests on top of your shirt. The DBS clinic is...

Dental Neuralgia or Anesthesia Dolorosa

This information is designed to help patients talk to their neurosurgeons about their facial pain. It is not intended to give specific treatment guidelines. Introduction There are two different types of physical pain: nociceptive and neuropathic. Nociceptive pain is the body’s normal response...

Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia

This information is designed only to help patients talk with their physicians about Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia (GPN) and is not intended to provide treatment guidelines. Introduction Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is a very rare neurologic condition that causes intermittent, extremely painful,...

Hemi-Laryngopharyngeal Spasm (HELPS syndrome)

Our sentinel paper describing the world’s first recognized case of HEmi-LaryngoPharyngeal Spasm or HELPS was published in the Journal of Neurosurgery (in July 2016). . Here is a link to the paper. . Our more extensive description of three additional cases of HELPS was published in the...

Information for Physicians

Cautery During Surgery Patients with DBS occassionally need other operations. We are quite proud that many of our patients have gone on to require hip and knee replacements because of their increased mobilization after DBS. Surgeons should use bipolar cautery if possible. In an article in the...

International Patients

            This web site is intended for Canadian patients. Under special circumstances, we will operate on international patients. Typically these patients come from countries where these surgeries are not available and their neurosurgeon has recommended they come...

Post Herpetic Neuralgia (of the face)

This information is designed to help patients talk to their neurosurgeons about their facial pain.  It is not intended to give specific treatment guidelines. Introduction There are many different pathologies that can cause pain in the region of the face.  The most common causes are dental...

Spasmodic Dysphonia

We have a separate website for patients with Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD). Please visit for information about DBS for SD . . The first “DEBUSSY” Trial: Our center routinely treats patients who have essential tremor (ET) with deep brain stimulation (DBS). This operation is...

The Tenth Nerve

Dr. Honey’s book, The Tenth Nerve, has been published by Penguin Random House Canada. It is available at Amazon, Indigo, local bookstores and The book is an homage to several patients who taught him more about medicine than any lecture or professor. ...

VANCOUVER syndrome

Our team has recently successfully operated on the first case in the world where a neurogenic cough was cured by a unilateral decompression of the vagus nerve (MVD surgery). We hope this new syndrome will become known as Vagus Associated Neurogenic Cough Occurring due to Unilateral Vascular...